Jan 10, 2023
It’s quite common for those we interview to tell us their crucibles have improved their lives, made them richer than they would ever have been without the setbacks or failures. This week, Warwick talks with Bill Brown – his Harvard Business School classmate in the ‘80s -- who describes how he was approaching the pinnacle of his business career, as a finalist in Toro’s search for a new CEO, when a medical diagnosis derailed his plans: he had Parkinson’s. But he has refused to let Parkinson’s beat him.An avid cross-country skier before his diagnosis, he’s continued to pursue his passion with gusto, completing 20 marathon events across the globe. He’s also dedicated himself to raising money through his skiing for Parkinson’s research … and living in a way that offers hope to anyone facing a crucible of any kind that their challenges are far from the end of their story.To learn how you can support Parkinson's research, www.michaeljfox.org.To explore Beyond the Crucible assets, visit beyondthecrucible.comTo start creating a life you love, explore our new e-course: Discover Your Second-Act Significance by visiting: secondactsignificance.com